Follow my trail: traces workshop for primary school

footprints and traces of Iberian mammals

It is not necessary to see an animal to know that it is there! This happens with the wild boar, the roe deer and many others. We can even know that there has been a fight between two species of bird without even hearing it. It is a matter of having our eyes wide open and knowing how to read the clues they leave us. The traces workshop will open the senses to the secrets of nature.

Following a short itinerary through the forest, students will find the traces that will explain everything that happens when people are not there.

How the traces workshop «Follo my trail» works

Each student gets a photo of an animal. All participants identify the animals in the photos.

The educator will present the material that accompanies the traces workshop. Among this material are:

  • Horns
  • Feathers
  • Pellets
  • Footprints

Participants relate which trace belongs to which animal and the concept of prey, predator and scavenger is introduced.

Afterwards, the group will walk through the forest and find the traces of the wild animals that they have previously identified. The educator will guide the students to correctly interpret the facts that have happened at the place where each track is found.

Educational value

Students will become aware of the omnipresence of wildlife in our environment. The traces workshop «Follow my trail» will open the youngsters’ eyes to the world of animals that share the natural environment with us.

Moreover, primary school boys and girls will understand the concept of the trophic network, which they often perceive as a difficult scheme to grasp.

The History of Pau

The other day I received a call from a mother. She was complaining about her son. After the visit to the Zoo of the Pyrenees Pau became enthusiastic about nature. He ordered a book on how to follow the traces of animals and studied it for a few days.

Now every weekend he demands that his family explores the surroundings of his city in search of pine cones, which are eaten by mice, feathers and other signs left by the animals.

It was noticeable that the mother was smiling while explaining that when they walk through the forest Pau tells them not to make any noise so as not to scare the animals. They have dedicated a space in their house for the little treasures that they find during the excursions.

Therefore I have to warn that the school trip to the Zoo of the Pyrenees can change the interests of your child. The effect can separate them for a while from the screen and as a consequence may require more time from their parents. Of course, only if they want to support their children in their new interests and spend quality time with them.

Complete educational offer for primary education

Go back to the page with all the workshops in the Zoo of the Pyrenees that we offer for primary education.

Consult General information to clarify all your doubts.

The traces workshop for primary school
is a highly recommended complementary activity.
It works on the topic of biodiversity
from a different point of view and teaches students
respect for wildlife. It involves us,
although we can’t always see it.

In addition, the workshop provides an excellent opportunity
to review the knowledge acquired during other activities in the park.

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Stania Kuspertova