The challenge of teaching is getting bigger and bigger. Consequently, to have educational material with a good balance between teaching and fun is an advisable educational an advisable didactic complement to accompany the workshops and activities at the Zoo of the Pyrenees.
For this reason, our educational department has created educational resources that help structure the information and motivate students to information and motivate students to apply the knowledge acquired during the workshops in real life.
Booklets and downloadable files
All the educational material that accompanies the workshops is free of charge and the teacher can decide if he/she wants to incorporate it as a didactic resource to to incorporate it as a didactic resource to reinforce what has been learned during the activity or not.
The educational material of the Zoo of the Pyrenees is developed in close cooperation with the General cooperation with the General Directorate of Environment. Its objective is to provide a useful tool for teachers and professors in Catalonia. First of all , it should be noted that the dossiers cover the topics of the official curriculum of each degree. They are also an aid for the student to order the information received during the workshops. And last but not least: they motivate students to apply the things learned in real life.
They are reviewed annually.
Educational booklets
You will find an example of each booklet for students to download. We also attach the complete booklet with the solution for teachers. You can request the dossier for the students once you have confirmed the contracting of the workshop/s of the Zoo of the Pyrenees.
If you do request the booklet, we will send it to you in digital format. You can download and print it for your students.
Notwithstanding the above, the printing rights of this educational material are reserved and its use is allowed exclusively as complementary material to the workshops developed by the Zoo of the Pyrenees Foundation.
Booklet for nursery school
Booklet for primary education – initial cycle
Booklet for primary education – medium cycle
Booklet for primary education – upper cycle
If you wish, on the day of the activity we can bring complementary material. This helps you to continue working on the topic from a different point of view and adds a scientific aspect to the learning process. The complementary material is free of charge.
What is a pellet?
The pellet is a ball of fur or feathers spit out by the raptors every day. If we study the pellets we can identify what animals the bird feeds on. For example, we can find parts of its prey such as:
– Bones
– Spines
– Insect wings
– etc.
Therefore: if you want to do an interesting and didactic workshop with your students that reflects biodiversity, the study of the pellets is a highly recommended activity. It also explains intuitively how the trophic network works. The pellets that we will bring you if you wish will be:
- Pellet of a eagle owl with remains of a rabbit
- Barn owl pellet with remains of mice
- Eagle pellet with remains of a mammal
- Falcon pellet with remains of a bird
In addition, if you wish to accompany the workshop with a booklet corresponding to the age of the students, we will send it to you in digital format.
What allows the birds to fly? The most outstanding morphological feature is the feathers. Their characteristics are unique: above all, they are light but resistant, they also provide comfort and protection for the birds. And the most important: they are so different from each other! The study of the feathers is a very interesting activity for the students that can be done by the teacher after the activities with the Zoo of the Pyrenees team. We recommend to analyze:
- General structure of feathers
- Variety of feather textures according to the lifestyle of the birds
- Classification of feathers according to their position and purpose
In order to be able to carry out this workshop in the classroom we will bring you a variety of feathers of different species when we do the activity in your school. To contrast and understand the habits and lifestyle of the birds, we will provide you with coverts, remiges, and tail feathers, as well as down.
This later workshop on feathers can be accompanied by a booklet that will guide students and the teacher during the practical part of the activity.

The workshops with wild animals are unique at national level.
For this reason the Zoo of the Pyrenees Foundation
has developed educational material that helps
both the teacher and the student to arrange
the information acquired during the activities.
It can also be extended with resources and
specific workshops that make the learning process
interactive and illustrative.